“I get a chuckle every time I read the eZine! It is far from being boring! There are many intelligent and comical people out there, and I look forward to laughing and learning each time I receive one. Keep up the good work!” – Lee Lincoln
Roy Underhill
“I enjoyed the article on Roy Underhill. The story provided a nice glimpse of a unique and talented craftsman. You have really featured a wonderful variety of woodworkers in this column. Thanks for worthwhile reading.” – Judy Matthew
Thank you! We try. – Editor
“I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the article on Roy Underhill. I’ll be looking for more of these in-depth and well-written pieces.” – Lynn Emrich
“The article on Roy Underhill was wonderful. I have watched him for years and have admired his work at Williamsburg. Do more in-depth articles like this about people in the real world of woodworking.” – Bob Hart
“I sure liked that article about Roy. I watch and tape him every Saturday. Tell Roy thanks for the good program, and keep it up. Thanks again for the good article.” – Wayne Smead
You are quite welcome. – Editor
“Are Roy Underhill’s past shows available on DVD? It would be a great buy.” – George Wilson
Will VHS do? – Editor
“I used to watch Roy Underhill regularly on PBS here in Los Angeles, but he has been off the air for quite a while as far I can see. Can you tell me where I can see his shows? I think he was great, especially when compared to the modern ‘have a different power tool for every little task’ shows that you see on TV today. I have most of Roy’s books and he is very entertaining as well as educational.” – Adam Kucharski
Roy is still on the air. In fact, he just completed filming his 25th year. Speak to your local PBS station about when he is on, and if they have dropped the show, about carrying it again. – Editor
“I enjoyed reading you article about Roy Underhill. I have in the past enjoyed his program the Woodwright’s Shop, but for several years now, none of the four PBS stations to which I have access are carrying it. How do I make it known that I want Underhill’s program?” – Jim Kyle
Vote with your dollars. Our family regularly volunteers to staff the phones at the local PBS station here in Tacoma. During fund raising drives, they always suggest “when you send us your money, please tell us what programs you want to see.” To the best of our knowledge, PBS stations keep the programs that generate donations. – Editor
“I don’t usually write to anyone in response to a magazine article, but this time I felt the need to do so. In your eZine # 139 there is an amazing article written by Mr. Dresdner about Roy Underhill. Thank you for such an interesting and insightful article. It has renewed my faith in the skill and craft of woodworking once again. Roy Underhill is one of the reasons I got and stayed involved in woodworking. His PBS shows intrigued me and inspired me to use hand tools with power tools as a supplement to reliable hand tools. Would you be able to tell me a source for his books? – Anthony Pilato
Roy’s books are available at most major booksellers both online and in stores, including Barnes and Noble (www.bn.com) and Amazon.com (www.amazon.com) – Editor
Hurricane Katrina Auction
Some time ago, we reported on a group of woodworkers at Woodcentral.com creating pieces for an auction to benefit those affected by hurricane Katrina. This reader just found out, and was rather moved. – Editor
“I live in Louisiana about 65 miles north of New Orleans in a little town called Bogalusa. We too were devastated by hurricane Katrina and are still trying to recover. I only recently had phone service restored, so I missed all the articles sent out over the web. I went back into the archives to do some catching up and ran across the auction started by, I believe, Jennifer. I was so touched by this that I started crying right in front of the computer. This only goes to show that woodworkers make more than just wooden items; they make friends for life. Please let them know just how much this really means to everyone here in the zone. May God bless you all.” – Andrew Talley
Fog-free Safety Glasses
After a reader suggested rubbing soap on safety glasses to eliminate fogging, this reader suggested the following. Editor
“Rain-X makes an anti-fog spray for inside car windows. When used on the inside of goggles and face shields, it not only solves the problem of fogging, it also stops the collection of dust from static charges on face shields.” – Carmine Ferrari
Typo Corner
Our typo corner often celebrates our human penchant for dropping letters, but this writer went further. He dropped a few words. – Editor
“I have a home that has a 10′ diameter 25′ long trunk.”
So, you live in a tree house, right? – Editor