April Fool’s Day Redux
Comments about our annual April Fool’s Day issue continue to flood in, along with comments about those who made comments about it. Confused? Read on. – Editor
“I really enjoy the annual April Fool’s issue. To those people that got upset; lighten up. This is supposed to be a hobby in which we have fun. When we begin to take ourselves too seriously, it’s time to go play in the mud.” – John Abt
Nevertheless, not everyone appreciated our humor. – Editor
“I didn’t like it last year, and I didn’t take the time to even bother reading it this year. With all of the problems and issues we have to contend with, your humor is humorless and a waste of time. We old-timers have little to waste of this precious commodity. Please quit wasting it.” – Andy Cotterman
We must admit that confused us a bit. If you did not read it, how is it that we wasted your time? Perhaps our confusion comes from the fact some of us are also old-timers, though clearly ones with a bit more time on our hands. – Editor
“Regarding those readers who lambasted you for trying to inject a little humor into their lives: I can’t help but feel sorry for them. How sad that they are so cynical they can’t take a few minutes out of their oh-so-busy lives to laugh. I look forward to next year’s issue. You’ll have to work extra hard to top this last one.” – Steve Patterson
Thanks. We’ll try. – Editor
“I, for one, thought the April issue was great. In my opinion, we should be able to have the occasional laugh at ourselves. After all, this obsession with making sawdust is meant to be a fun hobby that’s helping us to unwind after a hectic working week. If we start to take it too seriously, we will all go stale and that would be a shame.” – Peter Eisenhut
“As an avid reader in the U.K. of your brilliant biweekly journal, it never occurred to me that there would be some people that would object to a little humour on one day a year. It’s not as thought they didn’t know what day it was and, having been given prior notice that this issue was being delayed, it was obvious what was going to happen. Keep up the good work, and long may you and your colleagues continue to produce this worthwhile journal – including the humour.” – Ian Charles; Eckington, Derbyshire, UK
“Please don’t let those folks who didn’t get the April 1 issue affect future issues. Perhaps they are angry at being fooled and don’t want to admit it and laugh at themselves. Keep up the good (if somewhat warped) work!” – Bill Search
“Thanks again for a great April 1st eZine. I truly feel sorry for those who can’t stop and smell the flowers (or the turpentine, as the case may be). Keep up the good work.” – Bob Vallero
In every mailbag, there’s a note from at least one sarcastic wag who is ready to poke fun at us as well. – Editor
“You talk about the April Fool’s issue. I didn’t notice a difference, and the plans were as useful as normal.” – Mike Jensen
Of course, there is one potential problem. What if the very first issue of the eZine that you ever receive happens to be the yearly April Fool’s Day issue? Sure enough, that happened to this hapless soul. Fortunately, he caught on and had a great attitude about it, once his confusion was cleared up. – Editor
“OK, joke’s on me. You have no idea how much I cursed and complained when I read it. You see, it was the very first time I read the eZine. I ordered a dado insert for my table saw and saw the link and subscribed. Keep up the good work. P.S. My push stick came out fabulous.” – Carlos Del Rio
OK, the truth is there are TWO potential problems. What about people overseas who get this eZine and who do not have an April Fool’s Day in their culture? Here’s one such response. – Editor
“Here in the Philippines, April Fool’s is not being practiced. I am definitely one of the majority who loved it despite not knowing what’s behind it. But I admit I’ve been had by the ‘trusty oak’ article, I really felt unhappy for the demise of a specie and somehow felt that you should rather have shown greater disappointment or, better yet, be outraged by the grave consequence of a funny mistake. Well, it’s a relief upon learning that it was all a joke!” – Eugenio Ladanga; Lumban, Laguna, Philippines
“Great article! Well written, easy to read and full of good info. Apollo should be very happy with this one. Keep up the good work and thanks.” – Stephen King
Check Under the Bed
“When I was a kid (I’m 68 now) I had a Pluto dog pull toy that was similar to this month’s duck pull toy. I’ve tried to locate it. Can you help?” Joe Tomei
Not from here, but do check under the furniture and in the old toy box. Even after six decades, it will always be in the last place you look. Seriously, though, we’re not familiar with that toy, but we suspect that by using the plans you downloaded as a jumping-off point, you could probably make a good replica from memory. Give it a shot and let us know how it turns out. – Editor
Peroba do campo
“That was an interesting question from a reader this month, but what the heck is ‘peroba do campo?’ Never heard of it.” – Craig Erickson
These days, this Brazilian wood, whose binomial nomenclature is Aspidosperma tomentosum, is quite rare, but it was more common in the first half of the 20th century. One notable and interesting use was for wooden refrigerators. It looks a bit like teak, but is somewhat harder. – Editor
Fly Cutter Confusion
“In regards to your response on the drill press fly cutter, although what you described can be used in a drill press as a fly cutter, there is a safe version made specifically for a drill press. The fly cutter is round and only a few inches in diameter and is called the Wagner Safe-T-Planer®. The device can accurately dimension wood to thickness without the investment of a planer.” – Scott Allan
What you are describing is in fact a type of fly cutter, but not what the original question referenced. That person was asking about a tool, sometimes called a circle cutter, that will cut either holes or ring-shaped recesses in wood, but does not plane wood. – Editor
Fly Cutter
“It would have been nice to include a picture of a fly cutter.” – Ken Yarcho
You are absolutely right since, apparently, there was some confusion. Here it is, better late than never, complete with our apology for that lapse. – Editor
Typo Corner
This ongoing feature shows how small slips on the keyboard result in rather unusual statements. – Editor
“I am having trouble with brush marks showing thought in the top coat.”
We’ve never heard of thoughtful brush marks, but we’re loathe to criticize thought no matter where it occurs. – Editor