Woodworking’s Moments of Magic

In last eZine’s editorial, Rob mentioned his own magical moments of woodworking projects, and asked readers to share when they, too, have this experience. Here’s what you had to say. – Editor

“To me, I find that ‘woodworking moment’ most often after I’m done sanding my project.  With most projects, that is always a time-consuming and tedious task, but I love the feel of the wood at that stage. That feeling is often augmented by the relief that all the sanding is complete and the anticipation of what the finish will bring out of wood!” – M. Mathias

“When you run your hand over the project and realize that the last grit of sandpaper did the job. That is a really satisfying moment for me.” – Rich Flynn

“Seemingly each time I build a project, there seems to always be some sort of glitch or complication that I had not figured on. It may be in the hastily drawn plans or a cut that’s wrong. When I find the proper solution, it is always a good feeling, and usually the rest of the project comes together.” – Tim Harrelson

“I have experienced those moments and more. The most rewarding for me, and perhaps others, is the moment prior to turning off the power in my shop and knowing I am leaving the shop clean, organized and ready for the next day’s work. Coming into a clean and organized shop does not mean I will have a better result, but it does encourage me to have the enthusiasm and ambition to finish the task.” – Bob Widder


“I love to make trestle tables and benches. What makes it all come together for me is when I tap the peg on the outside of the leg to tighten everything together and the tone changes and I know it is tight. Throw in some bird’s-eye and a 300 CD player, and life is good.” – Kevin Nee


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