Occasionally, I have opportunities to visit new Rockler stores for their grand openings, and this past weekend I attended the official “board cutting” ceremony at the Cary, North Carolina, store. I do demonstrations at these events on a variety of topics. While those are certainly fun to do, my real enthusiasm for these grand openings comes from the chance to talk with hundreds of fellow woodworkers, see their project photos and share information. I also always learn things from them and am very warmly received. It’s encouraging to be among so many different folks who are excited about this craft — whether that’s a retiree who’s been woodworking for a lifetime, young people getting into the hobby thanks to influencers they see online or others simply looking for a new way to express themselves. While I think Rockler offers me these opportunities in the hope that I will be benefitting others, I always end the day feeling as though I have received at least as much or more than I’ve contributed by the experience. Make no mistake about it, woodworking is alive and well in these early days of 2024. And fellow woodworkers are some of the kindest, smartest folks I’ve had the pleasure to meet.
Thank you, Cary, North Carolina, Rockler customers. I had great time!
Chris Marshall, Woodworker’s Journal
Three Winged Jewelry Box

January/February 2024 What’s in Store

Country Table

Circular Jewelry Frame