Woodworker’s Journal – November/December 2003

Woodworker’s Journal – November/December 2003


Four Handy Shop Helpers: Quadruple your efficiency in the shop with plans for a crosscut sled, adjustable shop horse, roll-off stand and adjustable flip stop and fence

Dresser Valet: You’ll give your router a real workout with this cocobolo project featuring a secret cash compartment and a unique hinging mechanism

Rolling Lumber Rack: If you’re accumulating lots of cutoffs and want a place to keep them safely out of the way, here’s the perfect project for your shop


Seven Ways to Guide Your Router: Get perfect cuts from your router — whether you’re guiding it on a base, a bit or a table

Template Routing: When there’s no “fudge factor,” you need to create yourself a template or two

Finishing: Sealers – Coating your raw wood


Today’s Shop: How to get started choosing a Router

Tool Review: Reviewing the new Combination Machines


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