In the last issue, Rob posed the query of what your go-to technique is for joining two pieces of wood. Some had a specific answer. – Editor
“I am totally a mortise-and-tenon afficionado – I use it on all my projects.” – Ed Burtenshaw
“I use butt joints with biscuits.” – Brian Leavy
“Since buying a Domino several years ago, the Domino is my favorite joinery method of all time. It is possibly the most versatile tool I’ve used: fast, easy and allows good, solid joints where other methods would be much more difficult to cut.” – Randy Heinemann
“I notice you didn’t mention pocket holes, though it is just a type of butt joint. I often build prototypes of new projects, and I’ve found this technique extremely useful for that.” – Bill McGeehan
“I love my Oregon pocket-hole jig. Quick, strong and easy.” – John van Veen
“While no single method is always the best choice, I most commonly use the Dowelmax device to precisely locate the joint and produce a strong and durable union.” – Steven Schwid
“Join the corners at a 90 degree angle and nail them together. Glue optional.” – Bernie Lasiewicz
While others, even if they had a favorite, spiced things up with some variety. – Editor
“I guess my go-to is biscuits, but I’ve done half-laps, dowel pins, Kreg screws, and I’m currently working on a scarf joint in 4X6’s for the beams that support the floor joists in my 1909 Craftsman.” – J. Eric Pennestri
“My Number One go-to joinery is the biscuit joint for cabinets and furniture. I have a Porter-Cable biscuit jointer machine which is very versatile. I also use machine-cut dovetails for drawers and occasionally use pocket holes when appropriate.” – Dennis Grant
“I favor through tenons with wedges to hold them in place as well as to add beauty to the finished product. Some other times I like to use tenons held in place with pins.” – Lee Ohmart
Sometimes, the choice depends on production time – or on the desire to learn new skills. – Editor
“I like them all. Depends on what I am working on and how much time I have on my hands: with plenty of time, love dovetails cut with my Keller Jig. Lots to do and want to make progress? Biscuits, Kreg pocket holes.” – Bob Trento
“As a beginner, my choice is whatever I can do with the tools on hand and my current skill level. That means no Domino. Integral tenons, loose tenons/splines/dowels, screws (rarely pocket hole so far, though I have a basic jig), glue and hope. Domino looks great for folks with higher production. At my speed, the cost isn’t really justified — and I need the practice anyway.” – Jospeh Kesselman
“I have set a rule for myself that each new project will involve my having to learn some new technique, which often means a new joinery method. I find that this approach not only expands my woodworking knowledge, but also helps to maintain interest and challenge. Maybe someday I will have a ‘go-to technique, but for now I am having fun trying something new each time.” – Roger Anderson