I am in the market for a dust collection system. How do I know what is the right size for my needs? Do I try to size it for future growth? At present, I have a small shop with only four tools that need to be connected. I am planning on adding a couple of more. What do I look for … volume, FMP? Is there some general publication for first timers?
Rob Johnstone: Dust collection is important and a bit complicated. The good news is that newer and more efficient dust collection units are coming on the market all the time. But each shop situation is a bit different. Do you want a single mobile unit that you can roll from tool to tool or are you considering a larger centralized unit? How long a run of ducting will you have from the collector to the various tools? The best thing I can do for you is to point you to a great book, “Woodshop Dust Control by Sandor Nagyszalanczy” – from Taunton Press. ISBN-156158-116-X. It is the best and most complete book on the subject that I know of.