I just finished designing and turning a segmented bowl I’m really excited about for the upcoming December issue of Woodworker’s Journal (see below). It’s one of several gift-making projects that will be featured in the issue, and we can’t wait for you to see them all!
Now that temperatures are cooling, the leaves are starting to change color, and Halloween will be here before we know it, will you be making gift projects for the upcoming holidays? Maybe that question verges on rhetorical … of course you will be making gifts! And if that’s the case, what gift projects do you have in store? How about gifts you’ve made before that were big hits? Some of us might have our ducks in a row in this regard, but others surely will appreciate some fresh ideas! Rob and I look forward to your comments, and we’ll share them all next week!
Chris Marshall, Woodworker’s Journal
Five Tips for Raising Panels
Basic Wall Cabinet

Premium Project: Cordless Charging Bedside Table

Premium Project: Butler Tray and Stand

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