Issue 87
Issue 87
Small Shop Professionals
A couple of issues ago, I asked for feedback from the eZine faithful relative to how we were doing and what we could do better. One suggestion that piqued my interest was the idea of having a section of the eZine focused on the challenges of the small shop professional. Those folks who make their living by working wood, and probably not by using CNC routing systems. It intrigues me for a couple of reasons: one, because I at one time was a small shop professional, and two, because I don’t see a lot out on the web for that group. But before I extend a bunch of time, effort and money to create this new section of the Zine, I want to bring this specific question to you all. Would you be interested in this new section? How many of you reading the eZine fit into the small shop professional category? (Or maybe did at one time?) Please take a moment and let me know. If the only folks interested in this are myself and the few guys I’ve heard from already, we’ll move on to plan “B.” So let me know; I trust your advice.
– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
Chris Marshall: Writing His Way Into Woodworking
Chris Marshall is a familiar name to readers of both print and online versions of Woodworker’s Journal. Over the past 12 years, he’s established himself as a uniquely accessible author of articles and books.
Industry Interviews
National Hardware Show: Same Name, New Time and Location
For decades, the selection of new and improved woodworking had been greatly influenced by the annual National Hardware Show.
Q & A
A Dusty Question
I have a bay window that has been finished with 3 coats of spar varnish over a stain to match the room’s woodwork. The window has a seat, ceiling and the usual window trim.
Binding Blade
It looks like sap or a glue-like substance builds up on the blade and wood. Is it my glue, or should I have some kind of lubricant on the blade?
Enough HP for Shop DC
I have a basement workshop, and before I can buy any more woodworking tools my wife is insisting that I install a dust collection system.
Matching Bare Wood to a Finished Floor
What is the best way to blend the unfinished flooring with the finished? Would using a handheld belt sander be a satisfactory way to attack the problem?
What's In Store
Bosch: Detailing a Corner Sanding Solution
The Bosch 2.6 amp sander that’s the heart of this kit has a 3-3/4″ sanding plate and is designed to act as a finishing sander.
Detailing a Corner Sanding Solution
Quite a few readers thought they had a better solution to a question about non-standard miter cuts. Plus more readers’ responses.