Issue 844
Issue 844
The Effects of Focus
Life is full of distractions, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s so difficult not to carry those preoccupations into the shop when we’re woodworking, but lapses of focus are when mistakes and accidents happen. If I’m having trouble concentrating, my enjoyment of the process diminishes, too. I’ll bet the same is true for you. In his book The Why & How of Woodworking, the fantastically talented woodworker and writer Michael Pekovich has this to say about focus:
“Everything we do to transform a tree into a piece of furniture involves expending energy. From jointing and planing and milling to cutting joinery and finishing, each step requires an investment of energy. If we rush, if we are frustrated or stressed or preoccupied with events outside the shop, then all of that is transferred into the piece we are making. If we are fighting a dull tool or stepping around a cluttered shop, it all shows up in the finished project. In the literal sense, it’s impossible for us to do our best work under those circumstances … The focus and intent with which we go about business in the shop has a tangible effect on both our work and the product of our efforts.”
Chris Marshall, Woodworker’s Journal
Creating Book-matched Panels
Scrap Channel Makes Edging Easier to Install

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