Issue 793
Issue 793
One to Eight
Eight years ago, as I was selling my old house, at which there was also a 40′ x 40′ woodworking shop (heated and air-conditioned), I needed to get a storage unit to stash the stuff from my workshop that I had not found a home for. Not ideal, but I figured one year – tops – to sort it out.
Okay, so that was a foolish estimate. But last weekend, I finally got all the stuff out of my storage unit so I could stop paying the monthly rental fee. Curiously, nothing has changed over the last eight years regarding my attachment to all that woodworking gear I found so difficult to part with back then. The only real difference is that I now have a garage full of stuff I can’t say goodbye to.
Sadly, as the saying goes, winter is coming. And I need a place to park my truck once the snow starts to fly. Hard choices are in the offing. It’s a first-world dilemma, for sure.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Walnut Wall Shelf

Introduction to Hemlock Lumber
Premium Project: Waterfall Veneer Desk

Premium Project: Queen Anne Candlestand Table