issue 769
issue 769
You Were Paying Attention
I can easily say that in the history of this woodworking newsletter, there are few questions I have asked that have engendered a response as big and with emails as detailed as my “So how should I go about teaching my grandkids to do woodworking?” question last week.
If you click on the Feedback section of the Weekly (one of the most popular departments in our newsletter), you will get an idea of what I am talking about. Chris Marshall, our senior editor, said it took him over three hours to get all your responses edited and in place. (Whoa!)
Let me say thank you for your thoughtful replies – I read every one. Clearly, the craft is well-positioned for the future with your mentorship efforts, and I will take your advice to heart when exploring woodworking with my grandkids. All I can say is, keep on making sawdust!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Making Cove Cuts
Score First to Stop Dovetail Blowout

Premium Project: Tool Battery Charging Cabinet

Premium Project: Space Saving Miter Saw Station Project

From Our Sponsor
Tips for Teaching Woodworking
Readers offer advice about teaching woodworking to kids.