Issue 753
Issue 753
Imaginary Woodworking
I wonder if this ever happens to you: You are somewhere — at the store, a museum, driving to work or even walking through the woods — and it strikes you. You see something that sparks a project idea. A rustic table or an ultra-modern shelf. Perhaps a handy piece of treenware.
Once the idea has landed, you spend the next period (minutes? hours?) walking yourself through the steps required to build your brainstorm. Which tools you’ll need. Will you need to make a jig? What would the best lumber or sheet material or hardware be? You can visualize almost every step.
Then something happens to distract you, and the urgency of the moment recedes. The project goes by the wayside. I’ve built thousands of these imaginary projects. My question is, what about you?
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Kimberly McNeelan: Lifestyle Woodworking

VIDEO: Making a Slatted Trivet
Project: Turned Bottle Stoppers

Premium Project: A Woodworker’s Dog Bed

From Our Sponsor
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