Issue 707
Issue 707
Honey Dippers: Nick Weighs In
Chris Marshall wasn’t the only contestant who took inspiration directly from our hive-building honey makers. Nick Brady also took their cues when designing his eye-catching honey dipper holder. Here’s Nick’s quick rundown of how he made it because I’m sure many of you are wondering. So am I! And if you haven’t done so already, be sure to vote for your favorite honey dipper for a chance to win a prize.
“Using a combination of walnut, cherry, maple and a couple of pieces of ash, I made several 3/4″ x 3/4″-square pieces which I then put through a purpose-built jig on the table saw to rip a bunch of long narrow hexagons. Cutting them into 5”-long pieces and marking their parallel faces, I was off to do the glue-up! Extended-time wood glue, a couple of band clamps and a three-sided gluing jig to help keep everything in line enabled me to glue up the blank. I used Rockler’s carbide-insert turning tools and a large Forstner bit to turn this glue-covered mess of a blank into the neat little holder you see here. I made the handle for my honey dipper using Rockler’s new silicone casting molds and blue-tinted epoxy resin. This was a fun and challenging piece to make!”
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Making Coasters with Epoxy Coaster Molds

Project: Dovetailed Whiskey Cabinet
Hand tool woodworking gets a workout in this liquor storage cabinet featuring hand-cut dovetails.
From Our Sponsor
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