Issue 703
Issue 703
Tool Auction Trial
Do any of you remember way back to those classic cartoons where there would be a good angel and a bad angel sitting on the shoulders of some character? They were both trying to influence the poor sap — the good angel being the voice of reason and goodness, while the bad angel encouraging the selfish nature to prevail.
Well, there is a tool and woodworking product auction going on right now for employees of our parent company, and those angels are on my shoulders and talking up a storm. To answer the good angel: “No, I really don’t need any of these items … you’re right.” To the bad angel: “Yes, that would be totally cool! After all, I only live once!”
Alas, this is not the first nor likely the last test of my common sense and maturity. (Not to mention my checkbook!) It’s really a morality play, and the outcome is in still in flux.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Making a Game Board
Click Here to Download the Game Board Files.
This game is a version of Chinese Checkers made for two people. For rules see this page.
Going “Green” and Where to Find It
Finding unseasoned lumber needn’t be that tough if you start by looking (very!) close to home. Rob Johnstone explores some of the likely sources for unseasoned lumber.
From Our Sponsor
Sale prices expire 11/18/2021 unless otherwise listed. To get free shipping, simply place your order of $39 or more at by clicking any link above or entering the promotion code at the top of this email at checkout. Additional shipping charges will apply for select over-sized items, express orders, and orders to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. This offer does not apply to international customers. This offer cannot be combined with other offers, applied to previous orders. Some offers available only online. Not all items available at retail stores. Offer not valid at Rockler’s independent resellers. Rockler Woodworking and Hardware reserves the right to limit quantities, correct errors or omissions and modify or end this promotion at any time.