Issue 580
Issue 580
Summer is Here!
There is a feeling of relief for those of us here in the “Tundra Zone” when the weather warms and the last frost warning is offered (that happened Sunday night, by the way, near my cabin). I have recently come back from my annual bass fishing trip (this year I caught more panfish — see the evidence below). This change in climate generally leads to a euphoric rush of activity that then promotes plenty of ibuprofen sales.
But despite the afterglow of a good fishing trip, today I am a bit melancholic, as it is the first time in 20 years or so that my partner in the editing biz, Joanna Werch Takes, is not here to correct my typos and grammar or to defer my goofy ideas. I will miss her, but I see great things in her future.
All the best, Ms. Joanna. Don’t be a stranger.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
A.J. Hamler: Hybrid Woodworker
Longtime Woodworker’s Journal author has parlayed interests in theater, broadcasting, sci-fi and woodworking into a multi-faceted career.
What's In Store
Q & A
Working with Composite Lumber?
I’d like to build a glider for my yard out of composite lumber. Is the lumber widely available, and can I use ordinary woodworking tools to machine it?
Well Wishes for Happy Trails
Readers bid farewell to Joanna Werch Takes.
More on the Web
VIDEO: How to Set Up and Use a Mortising Machine
In this video, Chris Marshall shows you to set up and use one of those machines, plus a trick you won’t find in the owner’s manual!