Issue 423
Issue 423
See You at the Races … Maybe
You know that old saying about change being the only constant? Well, it’s true. In fact, I use the phrase quite often about one thing or another with my staff. Seriously, they all hear me say it, over and over. And over.
This time, my friends, the change applies to me. I’ve decided to hang up my woodworking apron. After more than 20 years of hitting press dates, I’m stepping down from my role as publisher, effective immediately. Already peeled my nameplate off the office door, in fact. It’s time to consider my options for a second career because, truth be told, I’ve reached the zenith of understanding about woodworking. I’ve said it all, thought it all, built it all, and published it all. It’s just time for this old cabinetmaker to try something new. The winds of change, well, they’re a blowin’.
So, I’d like to share a half dozen career ideas I have with you, and then have YOU decide which one suits me best. After all these years, I think you readers know me pretty well, and I’m all for group process! Give me your career advice at this great turning point in my life, please!
Therefore, for your consideration, here we go:
1) Power tool juggler. I know, I know, it sounds nuts! How can anyone make a career of pitching things up in the air and catching them? But hey, Cirque du Soleil keeps adding Vegas shows, and I’ve been known to toss up a circular saw or two in my time. Other cordless tools, too. I catch most of them, and those I miss don’t pass my tool test for durability. Actually, that’s why I started juggling them in the first place – for tool tests. None of our competitor magazines were doing it, and I thought it was high time to kick things up a notch. Yep, if it can be done with torches, axes and chainsaws, why not power tools? And, I sing country, too! Check out my world debut by clicking here. A country music singing juggler … there’s promise here, I can feel it.
2) Professional arm wrestler. Again, some of you might poo poo the idea of building biceps instead of bifurcating boards. But I’m proud of my pipes. They’ve lifted plenty of board feed in their time. A few years ago I advanced through a few amateur rounds in the Intergalactic Arm Wrestling Federation (IAWF). Truth be told, the “55 and Under” class was pretty brutal. Those bruisers caused me some nasty carpal tunnel syndrome, but double wrist braces helped restore most of my grip strength again. I’m 60 years strong this year, and the “Over the Hill” circuit looks ripe for the taking. If that new movie “Creed” is any indicator, old man Stallone still has a film career in the ring. Why not me at the IAWF arm-wrestling table? Eye of the tiger? Oh yeah … just let me at those geezers!
3) Surfer dude, again. Why not? I sowed some wild oats on California waters back in the 70s. I know my way around a riptide, and judging from my ability to hang ten on a combination jointer/planer in my shop, I haven’t lost my touch. Sure, the Twin Cities are a long way from Pacific surf, but dude, it could be totally gnarly all over again. California dreamin’. Definitely keeping this option on the front burner.
4) Yogi master. Age is just a state of mind, right? All these years in a woodshop have kept me as spry as a guy half my age, at least. I’m thinking that yoga instructor could be another reasonable side job to pursue. I can do a decent crisscross applesauce, and I’m in pretty good touch with my inner prana. Just try pulling off a “Downward Delta 10-Inch” pose, sitting on a contractor’s saw like I did, without removing the blade guard! It’s not easy, fellas. Whaddya think? Just spitballing here…
5) Blade huckster. And of course, there’s always sales… I work for a company that does a brilliant job of selling products, and being around those folks has taught be a few things about striking a good bargain. So, have I got a deal for you! Here’s an untapped market: jigsaw blade street vendor. I’d have to move to the Big Apple to make this one work, but have you seen the schlock you can buy around Times Square these days? Incredible! Still, among all that junk, no one is schlepping woodworking products. I could be the first! “Psssst. Hey, buddy, wanna buy some jigsaw blades? Two packs of bi-metals, ten bucks.”
6) NASCAR senior circuit. Not long back, DeWALT asked me to come down, and I was able to get up close and personal with their flashy pit crew and driver. Man, that was sweet indeed. I just stood by that gleaming race car and dreamed big dreams. The smell of burning fuel … impact wrenches blasting those lug nuts on and off … insanely fast lap times and the thrill of the chase. It’s been on my mind ever since. You should hear these cars howl inside a tool factory! If you think a 3hp table saw screams, it’s no contest against a supercharged race car. When my mind wanders in between paper vendor calls, the checkered flag flashes before my eyes. I think it’s trying to tell me something: I really do have a need, a need for speed.
And with that in mind, I leave you to cast the vote. It’s been a great ride, eZine readers. But help me take my victory lap! What second career suits me best? I hope to hear from you – or shoot me some fresh ideas. It’s a new chapter I’m starting here, and I look forward to your feedback.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Industry Interviews
Bernie’s Sanders: Popularity Surge for Independent Sander
“It’s been amazing!” Bernie said. “Sanding seems to have finally gotten the attention and respect it deserves!”
Tricks of the Trade
How to Make a Straight Board Crooked
Straight boards are unnatural. Chris shows you how to turn a straight and square board into a crooked board. The secret is starting with the right template.
Peace and Relaxation Through Sanding
Rob Johnstone shares the inner peace and relaxation that can be found in the meditative practice of sanding.
What's In Store
Tim-bur App: Never Clamp Alone Again
The prayers of woodworkers who’ve been waiting for their own social networking app have been answered. Tim-bur is the first woodworkers-only dating app.
Selfie Push Stick: Finally, Selfies at Your Table Saw
Why is it always so difficult to take the perfect selfie when you’re using a table saw?
Saw of the Month Club!
Miter saws aplenty–but only if you ACT NOW! Here’s how.
Hair Bandy
A Dandy Way to Make Bandys Handy-er.
Q & A
How Can I Stop a CNC from Duplicating My Projects?
My CNC Swordfish is running amok! It’s the dark work of artificial intelligence!
How to Deal with Fret Saw Grief
Most people find woodworking to be a relaxing hobby, but I can’t stand to do it for more than a few minutes at a time. All the small details and intricate cuts that my projects require have me wanting to throw all my tools in the trash!
Advice for the Temporally Challenged
Our readers weigh in on the issues raised by this edition of the eZine as they happen.