Issue 389
Issue 389
A (Router) Bit of a Problem
Handheld routers are go-to power tools in many woodshops. I know they are in mine, as I’m actually a bit embarrassed to admit how many routers I own. I have so many that I leave several set up with specific bits so I can just whip through rounding over the edges of a project or pattern routing a blank.
Along with what may be too many routers, I also have a similarly large number of router bits. Big (even huge), little, straight bits, ogee bits, pattern routing bits, up-spiral, down-spiral, cope-and-rail … you get the picture. But my big problem is I often can’t find the bit I want because of my “storage system.” Which is not a system at all … which is why I can’t find what I want.
My question is: how do you store your router bits? Are they in a “big drawer of bits” like at my shop … or collected in a more user-friendly situation?
Let me know … I think I need some help here.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
Brienz Woodcarving School: Training Tomorrow’s Woodcarvers in Past Traditions
Students at the Brienz Woodcarving School in Switzlerland copy woodcarving styles and techniques that have been around for over 100 years, as well as develop their own talents.
Reader's Project Gallery
Custom Game and Bookcase
This is a custom-made game and bookshelf built for friends.
Q & A
How Do I Fix Sticking Blast Gates?
My dust collection system suffers from blast gates that stick. How do I improve them?
What's In Store
Shop Fox® W1834 Universal Knife Grinder
Versatile, self-contained grinder sharpens jointer and planer knives up to 20-in. long.
Tricks of the Trade
Miter Gauge’s Bar Switches to Featherboard Mount
The mounting bar of my featherboard was too wide for the narrower miter gauge slot on my portable table saw.