Issue 386

Issue 386

Staying Sharp

Rob-Portrait351Sharpening tools is metalworking, not woodworking. And, while some guys love to sharpen their planes, chisels and gouges, to others, is it a necessary evil at best. I am in the middle somewhere. I get a good feeling from using a super-sharp gouge or hand plane, but I am easily frustrated by stopping in the middle of an otherwise “productive” activity to stop and sharpen a tool.

So what about you? Is sharpening hand tools an “Oh, boy!” situation or a “Rats, I sharpened that tool last year … what’s the deal here!”

And while you are telling me how you feel about sharpening, maybe you can let me know how you do it: natural stones, waterstones, machines … I like to know these things.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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