Issue 329
Issue 329
Pushing Your Limits
Last time out, I asked all of you which woodworking style rang your bell, and it did not take long before my email bell was chiming away. As usual, you were free with your opinions: you can peruse a sampling on the Feedback page. While the variety of answers is no surprise, it is inspiring. Woodworkers share a fondness for woodworking, but we are not a monolithic group and our taste is as varied as our skill levels. This surfaced a few times in answers that followed this kind of theme: “I like Victorian, but I build Mission furniture, because its joinery fits my abilities.”
Alas, we all grapple with our limitations. Even so, I would encourage any woodworker to push those boundaries. They are not set in stone, and you may surprise yourself. After all, it is only woodworking!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
What's In Store
Spring Break Wood Watches
Spring Break Wood Watches, a company founded by two former fraternity brothers, sells watches with bands and cases made from unfinished maple.
Hitachi’s NV90AG Framing Nailer
Hitachi’s NV90AG 3-1/2″ CoilFraming Nailer comes with an all-aluminum body and steel head plate.
Rockler Introduces T-Track Tabletop
Whether you’re sawing, routing, sanding or using hand tools, the process generally goes more smoothly and safely with a means of holding the workpiece securely.
Tricks of the Trade
Simple Wood Support
Some time ago, I needed something to support lumber at the end of my chop saw.
Easy Screwdriver Identification
Do you keep a set of tools in a tool bin?
Another Use for Baking Paper
What I wanted to share is the use of white parchment paper.
Today's Woodworker
Masterpiece Woodworks: Furniture with the Design in Mind
Masterpiece Woodworks, now operating out of an industrial park had its origins over 30 years ago, when founders Daryl Evans and Rick Hulme were in high school industrial arts classes together.
Q & A
Will a Knot Carving Weaken a Walking Cane?
I am very concerned the process of making the knot will compromise the strength of the shaft.
Why Do Most Table Saws Have 10-in. Blades?
Why do table saws and radial arm saws come in 10-in. blade sizes? Why not larger
How Should I Remove Light Clamp Rust?
I recently purchased a bunch of clamps from an estate sale; however, they have a slight coating of rust on them. What’s the best way to remove the rust?
Industry Interviews
Steve Wall Lumber: More than 30 Years of Finding “Diamonds”
After 11 years of teaching middle school social studies and gym, Steve Wall was ready for a change.
Favorite Woodworking Styles; “Tung Oil” vs. “Tung Oil Finish”
In his editorial in the last eZine, Rob mentioned his sartorial style (or lack thereof…), and asked eZine readers to share their favorite style of woodworking.
Reader's Project Gallery
Doll High Chairs
Here are some doll-size high chairs I made for granddaughters and nieces a few years ago. I modeled them after a real Norwegian high chair, at 2/3 scale.
Maple and Walnut Train Toys
This is Chubby Choo-Choo. I had the plans for this thing for several years, but not having any small children around I never bothered making one.
Oak Kitchen Cabinets
This project was something my wife was on me to build and put into our kitchen. It is all oak plywood and 1 x 2 oak.