Issue 301
Issue 301
Saved by My Lathe
Some folks seem to think that the winter holiday season is the hardest on their budget. Not so with me — it’s the graduation/wedding season that makes my wallet look as bare as last year’s Christmas tree. Now, let me cushion that mean-sounding statement with this: few things make me happier than young people moving successfully and hopefully forward with their lives. (But why does it have to be so expensive?) I was cogitating on this very subject a short while ago when I was suddenly struck by an epiphany (don’t worry, it only hurt for a minute).
In a nutshell, my thinking came to this: I love to turn small projects, people love to get one of a kind personal gifts, and I can get lots of turning wood for next to nothing. It’s truly sweet and simple. So this week I am putting my new program to work with a couple of large salad bowls for two different sets of newlyweds. I love them dearly, and it is my hope that they will love the gifts.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
What's In Store
Rockler Dust Right Hose Holder
The Rockler Dust Right® Hose Holder is an accessory for their Dust Right Separator and Shop Vacuum Hose Kit which provides storage space for the hose when it’s not in use.
PlyDesign: 73 Distinctive DIY Projects in Plywood
PlyDesign: 73 Distinctive DIY Projects in Plywood (and Other Sheet Goods) by Philip Schmidt covers the gamut of things that can be made from plywood.
Milwaukee M18 and M12 Multi-Voltage Charger
The M18™ and M12™ Multi-Voltage Charger from Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. will charge the Lithium-Ion batteries for both the company’s 12-volt and 18-volt lines, in the same charger.
Gorilla Wood Glue
You may know Gorilla Glue as a supplier of polyurethane adhesive, but the company also makes a one-part water-based polyvinyl acetate (PVA) formula called Gorilla Wood Glue.
Tricks of the Trade
Vacuum Nozzle Connector
Oftentimes, however, the power tool nozzle is not the same size as the vacuum hose nozzle.
Lid Sealer
Here’s yet another trick for minimizing the evaporation of paint or varnish that’s kept in a store-bought can.
Apron Suspenders
A lot of woodworkers like to wear full-length shop aprons, but many find that the neck string is rather annoying.
Today's Woodworker
Maryellen Burdwood-Porter: Hitting the Target in Woodworking
A few years ago, Maryellen Burdwood Porter sometimes shot hand bows as a hobby, and especially loved the old wooden ones.
Q & A
What Topcoat Will Work Best on My Trailer?
What finish would have been the best to use on the trailer, for longevity and protection from the sun’s UV rays?
How Should I Refinish My Veneer-topped Dining Table?
I need advice on refinishing a dining room table with a veneer top. What would work best, sand or strip, and what would I use?
Can You Answer My Resawing Questions?
I have a couple of questions concerning resawing. I typically use oak, cherry and hard maple.
Industry Interviews
Gorilla Swapping Glue for Project Photos in New Contest
Show off your latest masterpiece by entering Gorilla Glue’s woodworking contest.
Happy Birthday Wishes
The last issue marked the 300th time we have sent out the Woodworker’s Journal eZine.
Reader's Project Gallery
Den Wall
Photo of my den wall showing bookcases and fireplace front and mantle. All the woodwork is red oak finished with Minwax Golden Oak stain.
Planter Box
This is a planter box and garden bench I made for my wife.
Hall Bench
This is a take off of Todd Clonninger’s hall bench. It is made with flame birch and mahogany.