Issue 282
Issue 282
Woodworking at the Fair
In just a couple of days, the Minnesota State Fair will begin. In years past, I’ve been able to judge the woodworking competition; this year, I had another commitment on the judging date. But I’m still planning to peruse the projects in the category — in between the corn dogs and the funnel cakes, of course. It’s great to see all of the hard work and unique ideas that go into the entries, and to see woodworkers get some deserved blue-ribbon recognition. In fact, it makes me wonder if any eZine readers have received your fair share of county or state fair accolades? How about it: any blue (or red, white, purple, whatever) ribbon winners out there?
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
What's In Store
Rockler Bottle Opener Turning Kit
The new Bottle Opener Turning Kit from Rockler Woodworking and Hardware provides you with a chrome-plated opener and a 5/16″ threaded insert.
General Tools EZ Pro Dovetailer II
General Tools and Instruments has added new features to its E-Z Pro Dovetailer II Jig.
Forrest Plywood Veneer Worker Blade
The new Ply Veneer Worker (PVW) blade from Forrest Manufacturing is designed specifically for ripping and crosscutting two-sided plywood, plywood veneers and solid woods.
RIDGID®’s New Midsized Fixed-base Router
Next time you’re at The Home Depot, take a walk down the power tool aisle and you should see RIDGID®’s new R2200 Fixed-base Router Combo Kit on display.
Tricks of the Trade
Jig for Large Radius Routing
Rather than spend the money on a specialized routing attachment, I improvised and used two 36″ hardwood dowels fitted into the holes in the baseplate of my router.
Groovy Clamping Jig
I use this shop-made jig to hold boards on edge for planing, sanding or rounding corners.
Today's Woodworker
Alice Suszynski: an Arts and Crafts Style
Over three decades ago, Alice Suszynski was trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.
Q & A
What Sharpening Stones Do I Have?
Can you help me with advice on how to use and restore these stones?
Weatherproofing a Gun Vault?
How do I make sure that the vault and doors will be weatherproof?
Should I Make a Right-angle Base for a Dovetail Jig?
The long boards would basically put this operation over my head. Do you have any ideas as to how to cut these?
Reader's Project Gallery
School House Mailbox
A School House Mail Box that I made for a friend of mine.
Treasure Chest
I have to send this to share with others. My brother made this for his granddaughter.
Table and Chairs
We have a very good friend who spent the last year in Afghanistan, so to show our support we made this set of chairs and tables.
The Pros of Woodworking Procrastination?
In the last issue of the eZine, Rob mentioned that he had once envisioned a future when his woodworking projects would be completed in a timely manner … but, now that the future is here, that doesn’t seem to be case.