Issue 27
Issue 27
Focus Like a Laser
Okay, you caught me.
In our last eZine, I had the opportunity to tell you about Craftsman’s new laser guided miter saw. A good many of you took me to task on my assertion that this was the first miter saw to feature such a gizmo as a standard feature. “What about Porter-Cable’s laser saw? You know, the one Norm uses EVERY WEEK on the New Yankee Workshop?” was a common question.
To which I respond: Oops. Porter-Cable apparently did make a laser guided saw several years ago, which has since been discontinued. And while I’d like to lapse into some political “respeak” and “clarify” what I really meant to say, the truth is I just goofed up. So for those of you who already own the Porter-Cable laser saw, hail to thee! And for those of you who would like to buy the Craftsman saw, it’ll be at Sears this June. And for the rest of you who find pleasure in pointing out my mistakes – Thanks, I need all the help I can get.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Industry Interviews
DMT Machining Technology: Diamond and the Rough
The quest for the perfectly sharpened, perfectly flat tool is a lifelong journey. Dave Powell, president of DMT Machining Technology, likens it to playing the violin.
Today's Woodworker
Woodworking Teacher of the Year: George Trout
A few months back, we featured a gallery of woodworking projects from a bunch of high school students.
What's In Store
Pacific Rack and Machine: Accuracy Cubed!
The BladeGauge II is specifically designed to make setting the cutting depth when using a router as easy as his table saw jigs.
Q & A
Taper Legs with a Jointer?
What is causing this woodworker’s difficulty in creating tapered legs on his jointer?
External Router Speed Controls: Good or Bad?
Michael Dresdner speaks on the benefits (and problems) with external router speed controls.
Any Chemical Danger in Coloring Floors?
Some readers wrote in about using strong bases to color their hardwood floors.