Issue 170

Issue 170

Virtual Woodworking

Rob-Portrait351There is no doubt about it, woodworkers were pioneers in adopting the Internet as a place to share their hobby. And that participation has only grown stronger as the ‘Net has grown more accessible, faster (for some) and easier to use. This eZine is one of the oldest and – thanks to you folks – one of the most successful online woodworking efforts in the industry. For that reason, I am looking to you…the eZine faithful, to give me a glimpse into the future.

Where do you think the world of woodworking is going on the Internet? (Surely it is here to stay.) What do you see in your crystal (or maybe mahogany) balls? What do you want from the Internet that you are not getting right now? What purpose do you use woodworking based Internet sites to serve? Are you looking for “how-to” information or more general stories? This is your chance to offer an opinion or predict the future – or both

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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  • Feedback

    It’s Not Easy Being Green

    One of the comments in the last issue about ecological wood usage was, “For humans to think that they could impact an ecosystem as strong and resilient as the earth’s is an absurd exercise in naiveté and narcissism.” Several folks had comments about that comment.