Issue 106
Issue 106
Big Changes in the Works!
This issue kicks off the fall eZine schedule, so get ready: there will be some great new things coming down the pike. Don’t worry, you’ll still receive the best woodworking eZine on the Net. And your favorite departments and stories will be included. We’ll just have a few new opportunities for you.
For example, in the next week you’ll be getting a separate email from me asking if you’d like to join our online survey group. It will, of course, be free … but if you join, you’ll get the chance to win cool tools and woodworking supplies just for answering questions about woodworking related topics. And there will be no strings attached. If you don’t want to join, that is cool. If you do want to join, you’ll have to answer 15 demographic questions and then just sit back and wait for email surveys to be sent to you. Your opinions will help us publish a better magazine and will help toolmakers get feedback on their tools and supplies. And did I mention that you might win some stuff?
So look sharp and get ready for a fall woodworking season that will knock your socks off. (For those of you who are wearing socks when you read the eZine!)
– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
P.S. Take a look at our newly redesigned Woodworker’s Journal home page. It looks great and is full of useful information.
Today's Woodworker
Don Jensen: Landscape Architect Finds Art In Wood
Don Jensen’s woodworking has come a long way from its beginnings. Now, the Morgan Hill, California resident is focused on creating custom pieces of furniture and supporting his local arts community.
Industry Interviews
TTI buys Big Red
It was announced that TTI (Techtronics Industries, Inc.), the parent company of Ryobi and the licensed partner of and producer of RIDGID power tools, had purchased Milwaukee Electric Tool, AEG.
Q & A
Basement Woodworking Shop
The basement is dry, but can get humid on occasion. Should I be concerned about my woodworking equipment rusting? If so, what can I do to prevent it?
How to Fix a Gapping Door
Unfortunately, the mortise-tenon joint nearest the lockset has opened a gap of about 1/8 inch between the rail and the style. In addition to looking bad, this makes the door hard to close.
Mouse-Stained Wood
Unfortunately, one of my boxes of cedar trim housed a family of mice for a few months and they urinated on several pieces of the cedar trim. Do you have any ideas how I could clean this?
Odd-Size Band Saw Blades?
I have looked in the Grizzly catalog and a few others only to find that the sizes jump from 85″ to 93″. Do they make a 92 inch band saw blade?
What's In Store
Dremel: The Next Generation
You’ve probably been familiar with the traditional “Dremel tool” for a few years. Now, it’s time to check out their newest offering.
Rob’s Buzz Off: New Hope for Outdoor Woodworkers
The Tool Preview in the last issue brought responses from several others who have battled bugs in order to do their woodworking.