Issue 1
Issue 1
Welcome to Our New eZine!
Welcome to the premiere issue of the Woodworker’s Journal eZine. Your interest in woodworking has qualified you for a free subscription to this electronic magazine devoted entirely to woodworking.
Every two weeks, we’ll be publishing a new edition of the eZine, filled with pictures and stories covering the very latest in woodworking: new tool information, summaries of developments on woodworking web sites, stories about woodworkers, woodworking shows, events, contests … and free, downloadable plans.
In short, everything you expect in a great woodworking magazine like Woodworker’s Journal … delivered right to your e-mail box. It’s free and it will remain free; this is not a come-on to get you started with hidden charges planned in the future. And think how great it will be to have the eZine reach you once every two weeks, light years ahead of all the other woodworking magazines.
I want to make Woodworker’s Journal the voice of the woodworking community—wherever woodworkers gather—especially cyberspace. I’m excited about our new eZine, and I hope you will be, too!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Industry Interviews
Powermatic Resurfaces
Last year, when JET Equipment and Tools acquired Powermatic from its recently bankrupt parent company, there was a collective sigh of relief in the woodworking community.
Today's Woodworker
Logging On…the Old-Fashioned Way: Jerry Burke and Mark Benson
Jerry Burke and Mark Benson share a lot more than their business interests: Mark is also Jerry’s son.
Q & A
Why Are Table Saw Fences So Bad?
A woodworker ponders the relative quality of fences that come with table saws.
Where Is the Next Generation of Woodworkers Coming from?
A question with big consequence to the woodworking industry, as the current generation ages, who will take their place?
Spiral Bits vs Straight Bits in Mortising
Are spiral bits better than straight bits for mortising?