Gosh, You Make Us Blush
There wasn’t much in the way of feedback from our loyal readers this time, but what was said was certainly complimentary. – Editor
“Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoy reading your eZine. The amount of useful information is concise, well presented and about such a wide variety of topics that I have saved most of them for future reference. Thank you.” – Peter Brenner
Thank you, Peter. We’re glad you enjoy the eZine. We wanted to remind you, and the rest of our readers, that the links in the email always go to the current issue – so, for example, if you get the email announcing eZine Issue 201 (this one) and the email announcing eZine Issue 200 is still sitting in your inbox unread, the link to the “Feedback” section in both emails is going to take you right here: Feedback in eZine Issue 201.
You can still read Issue 200 through the archives (so issues are available for approximately a month in total after they’re mailed): the issue immediately preceding the current one is available to all eZine subscribers through the “Archive” link at the top of the page. After that, the older issues become part of the searchable archive that is a valuable resource for Premium eZine subscribers. Remember, too, to download the free plans in a timely manner onto your own hard drive — those are only available as long as the issue with which they’re associated is the current issue (in other words, for approximately two weeks). – Editor
“I was really impressed with the article about Dave Schweitzer in your eZine. I have never been motivated enough about woodturning compared with furniture making to acquire, and sacrifice space for, a lathe. I think that I would turn only so many plates before I would get bored, not to mention the family patiently accepting yet another of my similar and still round output to adorn their increasingly crowded shelves. But I was really impressed with the few photos of Dave’s work, particularly the vase with its lovely natural design and flowing lines. I have seen a lot of beautiful turned artwork, usually involving lots of carving or other non-turning work to make it interesting, but that vase was beautifully simple and dazzling. And his view on life, his humor (“… more air miles than I…”) and his eye for beautiful design is very inspiring. I guess that when my family runs out of patience and space for my utilitarian furniture, I will begin a new phase of my idle retirement and of ‘rewarding my family.’ I think your philosophy to your eZine and editorials, and its stamp on your Web Surfer’s Review and Feedback, is the primary reasons for the success of your eZine. Good luck and please keep the enthusiasm for what you are doing. It is pleasing many people.” – Bevin Pettitt
My Mr. Doty
“It was interesting to hear Betty Scarpino write fondly about her college industrial arts instructor. I, too, still remember my industrial arts teacher, Mr. George, at Pearland Intermediate School in Pearland, Texas, sometime around 1975-76. Mr. George was cool, with Fonzie-like hair and glasses and was very popular with the ladies. We made basic projects like a napkin holder, mug tree, and gun rack. For the gun rack, Mr. George had us use the metal portion of a spent shotgun shell with the primer removed, screwing it onto the horizontal drop-down door at the bottom. The thing I remember most had to do with sanding my work. When I took a piece to him for inspection, he would put a pencil mark on any ‘cloudy’ area. To this day, when I see a ‘cloudy’ spot while sanding, I think to myself, ‘Mr. George will get me for that,’ and I keep on sanding until it’s clear. God bless him, wherever he is.” – Alan Watson
Typo Corner
Miss a letter, and you can create a new snare. – Editor
“My grandson sprayed some blue paint on the kitchen cabnet.”
We suspect a cabnet is what New Yorkers use to catch a cab. – Editor