Today’s Woodworker
Virgil Johnson: Building a Houseful of Beautiful Furniture
Virgil’s wife, Christine Johnson, wrote in to compliment us on the article we wrote about her husband. She’s proud of his gift for woodworking and loves to brag about all the beautiful furniture he’s made
Bobby Michelson: Throwing the Ball Higher
Bobby Michelson, himself, wrote in his thanks for our article, commenting that it makes him sound like he knows what he’s doing!
Web Surfer’s Review
Harry Rudin wrote all the way from Oberrieden, Switzerland to tell us how much he enjoys our reviews … and the fact we don’t have cookies on our site.
Readers Response
Carbide Cutters: They’re everywhere!
It makes sense, to Eric Armstrong, to take the differences between carbide and HSS into account when choosing a blade. For saw blades, he prefers carbide for rough-cuts and HSS for finish work. For drill bits, however, he prefers a third choice: titanium. He’s got a set of Bosch titanium bits – with tapered helix for faster finishes and screw starters – and he likes ’em a lot.
Tool Preview
Ryobi Six Pack: A Shop All Wrapped Up for Christmas
Eric Armstrong also liked our article on the Six Pack. In fact, he almost bought one at HD, but then remembered he already has a great drill, power saw, saber saw, and even some flashlights. What he doesn’t have is a compound miter saw and would really like the one in the Six Pack, plus the portable workbench, and speed saw … sold separately.