Other readers had some additional advice for last issue’s questioner who wanted to know “How Should I Fix a Wall Crack with Limited Access.” – Editor
“Get a section of tubing that fits over the ‘straw’ on the expanding foam can. (If it is a looser fit you may need to clamp the tubing onto the straw.) Make the tube long enough to reach the area in question and allow the can to be in the proper orientation. Tubing is pretty floppy, so I would unwind a clothes hanger and tape it on the tubing in several places. This will allow you to custom ‘curve’ the tubing as needed. The only downside is that it is a one-time use for the tubing.” – Larry Giust
“If I understood correctly, it seems as if the band board isn’t seated correctly on the sill plate. That can happen when the block wall is out of square. I’d recommend using expanding foam insulation. Not only would that fill voids better, but most critters don’t like to eat it so won’t tunnel in.
“I’ve used clear tubing (PVC or plastic, available by the foot at some hardware and/or pet supply stores) to deliver caulk or foam insulation into some of the tough places. You’ll lose all the material it takes to fill the tube, so buy extra. Assuming you’re going over an 8″ block wall, a foot-long piece should give you enough slack to keep the can upside down. I’d tape a sturdy guide stick to the application end and be prepared to do the job all at once so the foam doesn’t dry up in the tube. [A tube with a] 3/8″ interior diameter will fit over the end of most caulk tubes, but foam can nozzles vary, probably 1/4″ ID. I keep a selection of different diameters around so I can create the right fit by stacking pieces together as needed (e.g. 3/8″ OD has a 5/16″ or 1/4″ ID depending on the exact type and thickness of the tubing) so I can step the size up or down easily. Of course, there’s always duct tape, too.” – Jim MacLachlan