Web Surfer’s Review
Turning Cold Chisels into Woodturning Scrapers
John is big on scrapers for his turning, but makes his out of old jackhammer chisels. He can’t afford all the high dollar tools and has learned to make do with what he has and has turned out some pretty nice pieces. As long as it’s sharpened, one of his homemade scrapers will shear through end grain as well as any gouge he’s ever used.
What’s on Your Workshop Wall?
If he’s not too late, Steve Twigg wanted to share the two signs he has hanging on his shop wall.
– “There are 3 things I don’t loan out: My car, my tools and my wife … In that order” (He felt the need to point out that his car is a ’68 Camaro in mint condition and that his wife understands that it’s his first love.
– “There is a fine line between Hobby and Obsession”
Is the Small JET Dust Collector Worth It?
Though he thought the Harbor Freight dust collector mentioned in the article seemed fine, Ray DeGennaro described how he’d RUN to the nearest store to buy .3 micron or, even better, 1 micron bags. He declared that most bagged dust collectors come with 30 micron bags, which he feels make dust an even bigger health hazard because they throw the most dangerous dust back into the air. Admitting it sounded counter intuitive, he noted that .1 micron bags (and many of the .3 micron bags) actually have better flow rates than the standard 30 micron bags.
Questions & Answers
Shellac Bugs?
Jim Quarles feels that Michael Dresdner’s article is one of the best write-ups on shellac he’s ever seen and hopes it gets printed in an expanded version in the Woodworker’s Journal print edition.
Industry Interview
Akeda Jigs: Everything You Need for Faster, Safer Dovetail Joints
After seeing our article, Jack Loganbill sent in a link to his own review of the AKEDA DC-16 at his web site. (He also noted that “it put a smile on my face” when he saw that we’d used a photo from his shop on theBest way to cut segments article.)
Craftsman Tools — 75 Years Old and Still No. 1
A dissatisfied Eric J Bauer wrote in to describe his experience trying to return a broken Craftsman tool to Sears. As he described it, the Sears tool expert “smugly” pointed out that fine print excluded the tool from the lifetime warranty.
Other Reader Comments
Bruce Stark sent in a cautionary tale. Seems his brother was cutting ceiling tiles a few years back and let his guard down … just long enough to run his hand over the blade. It cut four fingers on his right hand and completely severed the middle one. Bruce gave him a hard time for being so stupid, until he earned that designation. He was cutting a pair of “Mission Oak” children’s rockers for his grandsons for Christmas early one morning, before working hours. “I only have to cross cut these two pieces, and I can assemble the last chair tonight,” he thought to himself as he turned the saw on and cut the first of the two pieces. He was just about to cut the second when someone yelled that the power cord was lying across the drive belt. Concerned for the cord, he leaned over the saw. Putting his right hand down to support himself, it touched the fine, carbide-tipped teeth of the 10″ blade. The result:
– Ring finger was cut lengthwise along the bone … 7 stitches.
– Middle finger skin was shaved away from the muscle. The skin wasn’t salvageable and the finger tip will be slightly deformed … 3 stitches.
– Index finger had some flesh shaved away … no stitches.
– All things considered, he learned his lesson, apologized to his brother, and considers himself to be “damn lucky!” Just to show there are no hard feelings, he also included a picture of the rocker.