Oily Rags
“Thanks for the oily rag disposal item! That clears up a LOT of questions and misunderstandings and gives good practical advice as well. This gets my vote for most useful WJ.com posting of the year.” – Joe Kesselman
C2 vs. C3 Carbide
“On the question concerning C2 or C3 carbide tips, I have tried 10″ table saw blades in C2 and C3 varieties. The C3 outlasted the C2 by an estimated 3 to 1.” – Leon Eaves
Aaron Radelow
“This is a very interesting article! I would love to have more info on the chevalet tool used in carving designs. I am a beginning woodworker and am still searching for my niche or outlet for some creative energy. Thanks a million!” – Charles O’Neal
“Thank you for the article regarding this skilled man and the way he pursued his goal. Whilst not being in the same building, let alone class, I, too, feel that to follow one’s heart and love of the accomplishment is the only way to true satisfaction, no matter what the job at hand. Please say a thank you to Aaron if you are in contact with him, and please continue to provide more articles of this kind.” – Peter Challinor.
Verbal Typos
“I thoroughly enjoyed the letter from the British chap about pronunciation, and it recalls a similar story. I used to work in Washington, D.C, and while I was standing with a friend, a man came walking up and asked if we knew where the ‘spice’ museum was. In Washington, there are all types of museums, and while neither of us had heard of a spice museum, we weren’t certain one didn’t exist. We turned to our interlocutor and said simultaneously, ‘Spice museum?’ and he replied, ‘Yeh, y’know, where they have the aeroplanes and the spice capsules!'” – Kinter D. Bernard, Jr.
“Thanks to Geoff Fowler for that explanation of how the English language works. As a former editor of U.S. English, I can only add that this is why we are two peoples separated by a common language.” – Chuck Kubin
“I enjoyed Geoff Fowler’s comments on English usage, especially the comments of Cockney accent. Keep up the typos and eZine.” Chuck Naeyaert
Written Typos
“In regard to the letters about typos, it reminds me of the idea put forward by none other than Andrew Jackson: ‘A person must be pretty stupid if he can’t think of more than one way to spell a word.'” – Chuck Cooke
Our Own Personal Ongoing Typo
“Unless all of your letters are coming from the same person, shouldn’t the title of the column be READERS’ RESPONSES?” Larry Krajewski
Yep, it should. Of course, in our opinion, this section should simply be titled “Feedback,” but, like Marvin, the excessively intelligent robot in ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,’ no one listens to us. – Editor
(Editor’s Note: The section has since been re-titled “Feedback,” just our way of sticking it to “the man.”)
Things That Seem Like Typos, But Aren’t
A couple of folks wrote to us to point out that the Porter-Cable ad in the previous issue contained a typo in the form of the word ‘templet,’ but don’t be too sure. Read on. – Editor
“Thought you’d get a kick out of the Porter-Cable ad that appeared in your own eZine. What the heck is a “templet”: a miniature house of worship?” Bob Lieberman
“After all the discussion of typos and misspellings in the site’s contents, now the advertisers are doing it.” – Rob Retter
As it happens, we, too, thought that looked odd, but the dictionary bore out Porter-Cable. It seems that both “templet” and “template” are acceptable spellings of the word. Granted, the latter is more common these days, but both are correct, so that is not a typo after all. – Editor
Typo Corner
This, however, really is a typo, neatly paired with a groaner. – Editor
“The guy made several cuts into the wood using a ban saw.”
We didn’t know those saws were still allowed in the US. We thought they were all (wait for it) banned saws. – Editor