Last week, Rob told a tale of a project from days gone by: a desk he built for a friend that started out simple and, due to the addition of a bunch of fun woodworking, grew to … not so simple. And, based on reader requests, Rob drew a napkin sketch and had our Woodworker’s Journal artist Jeff Jacobson create a visual for you of just what that desk from days gone by looked like. – Editor
“C’mon, Rob, we needed to see a picture of that desk! My wife asked me for a slant-front desk, and I managed to build three hidden compartments into it. Just because I could. Great article, thanks!” – Paul Vander Woude
“I loved your story about the desk you made 100 years ago with the slot for the fan paper! Do you have a picture of it? I’d love to see it, but not because I want to build one. Just sounded like a work of art. I had the pleasure to meet you when you came to the grand opening of the Rockler Store in Rocklin, California, where I was working at the time. I really enjoy your magazine and your writing perspectives. You make woodworkers feel good about making things, large or small. Take care and thanks from another woodworker fan.”- Barry Watson
“Would be nice if we could see what the $400 desk looks like.” – Tomkin Lee