wood movement
Wood Distortion: Five Fast Facts
A quintet of straight-up facts about wood that has taken a turn for the worse.
Why Didn’t Oak Floor Move More?
I’ve always wondered why the solid oak on my wide floor didn’t move more across the grain than it did. What are the plausible explanations?
Hardwood and Plywood Bench Top?
Can I make a thick workbench top by gluing hardwood strips to a plywood substrate?
Lignomat: First Choice for Reliable Moisture Meters
Affordable mini-Ligno meters have been helping woodworkers “read” lumber moisture content for more than three decades.
Why Did My Tabletop Boards Crack?
House siding boards seemed like a good idea for a tabletop, but they’ve since cracked. Why did that happen?
Accounting for Cross-grain Wood Movement on Breadboard Ends?
How should I make the joinery on breadboard ends so the center panel can expand and contract?