Table saw
Cutting Lap Joints with a Table Saw
These simple joints are an excellent choice for picture frames, light-duty cabinet doors or face frame construction.
SawStop Offers Sneak Peek of New Jobsite Saw
SawStop to launch new Jobsite Saw in March 2015, and the company offers details about it here.
How Do You Make Perfect Templates?
It’s important to make templates carefully, because their accuracy is key to creating parts in the precise sizes and shapes needed.
Rabbet and Dado Corner Joints
This joint is fast, easy to make, and takes a beating. It’s the perfect joint for many projects.
Cutting Tongue-and-Groove Joints on a Table Saw
Learn how to cut tongue-and-groove joints on your table saw. Tongue-and-groove joints add strength and exact alignment to your panels.
Make a Table Saw Zero-Clearance Throatplate
Upgrade your table saw’s cutting quality and safety with a zero-clearance throatplate.
Using Your Table Saw as a Jointer
Even if you own a jointer, you’ll want to master this technique.
Portable 10-inch Table Saw Reviews
One of these portable table saw models may be for you. Find out which saw is our “Best Bet” winner.
Rethinking the Simple 2×4
Author uses unusually clear 2x4s to make outfeed table behind his table saw. Reflects on their worth as project wood.
Grizzly Adds New Tool Comparison Feature to Website
If 2013 is your year to buy a new stationary tool, and Grizzly is one of the companies you’re considering…