Table saw
February Issue Sneak Peek
Here’s a head’s up on what’s heading your way in the February print issue!
Keeping Warm?
How do you keep from freezing during winter woodworking? Tell us about your heating solution.
Zero-Clearance Throatplate for Contractor’s Saw
bought a Sears Table Saw that’s along the lines of a contractor’s saw. Can these saws be fitted with zero-clearance inserts?
December Issue Sneak Peek
There’s a December issue of Woodworker’s Journal headed to your mailbox soon, and this issue is dedicated to one of our all-time favorite tools: the router. Here’s the inside scoop on what you’ll find.
Angling Without the Snags
About six years ago, I was building some outdoor furniture with lots of angles to them, and the closest thing I had to an angle-setting device was my speed square. No offense to you hard-core carpenters out there, but frankly, a speed square seems better suited to rafter tails than woodworking.
Hammering Away at Accuracy
The miter gauge that came with my table saw has always had too much side-to-side play for accurate work.
Recommended for Ripping
I have a fair amount of aged oak timbers that are about 2×12 rough and full cut. They would make great tabletops, good stuff. What would you recommend to rip them?
Stick with What Works
A couple years ago, I invested in a popular loose-tenon joinery system to see how that would work for me. As a tool reviewer, I’m always anxious to try a new gizmo on for size, and this tool was getting a lot of buzz. Heck, a faster, easier way to make mortise-and-tenon joinery. Sounded good to me!
Well, the product came, and I put it to work on my next few projects. It did the job swimmingly, chomping mortise after mortise in good time. The cuts were clean, the setup was pretty easy and those loose tenons dropped right into place. Really, there was no part of the operation I could complain about.
But as time went on, that new tool got less use than it first did. I ended up switching back to making M&Ts the way I’ve always done them: mortising on the drill press, followed by tenon-cutting on the table saw.
Three-dollar Fix Improves Fold-Down Outfeed Table
Earlier this spring we received some good feedback about the “Fold-down Outfeed Table” project that ran in the February 2009 issue (p. 50). Glad you folks like it! But, if you’re planning to build one for your table saw (or if you’ve already completed it), be sure to add a simple modification sent in by fellow reader Doug Green from Wellington, Colorado.
Table Saw Bevel Cut Jig
Is there a jig that will enable me to bevel cut more that a 45 degree angle on my table saw?