shop maintenance
Keeping Router Collets Clean
Keeping your router bits and collets clean is an important bit of shop maintenance. This reader found a tool for another hobby that is a perfect helper for the task.
Bolt Makes Blade Cleaning More Efficient
This reader’s tip features a way to make your saw blades easier to handle during cleaning and as a bonus helps you clean multiple blades at once.
Air Compressor Water Woes
A.J. Hamler discusses the ins and outs of managing moisture in compressed air.
How to Control a Vacuum Hose
Shop vacuum hoses can be a little unwieldy after being stretched all over the shop, but this reader has a quick tip to keep it under control and in one spot.
Tuning Up a Bench Grinder
The calm surface of the wine in this glass, placed on the tool-rest of a running grinder, demonstrates how a properly tuned grinder should operate.
VIDEO: How to Maintain Your Benchtop Sander Abrasives
Chris Marshall presents his four best tips for utilizing your benchtop sanders’ abrasives.
Mortiser Chisel Spacer
This user found a perfect spacer for his mortiser chisel, and unlike his typical solution, it was one that he could keep handy between applications.
Bucket Lid Cleaning Pan
Looking for a place to soak your saw blades while you clean them? This reader found a solid substitute cleaning pan lying around his workshop.
Saving Screws with Electrical Tape
You have to be careful when removing the soft brass screw that attaches the handle to the plane, because it will scratch and deform easily.