Making Light of Too Much Lumber
Readers share personal stories of lumber excesses.
PROJECT: Folding Shop Desk
One problem with small shops is that there’s never enough floor space. The same often goes for counter space. This fold-down desk project provides a simple, sturdy solution.
PROJECT: Weathered Wood Shelf
A weathered wood look and industrial “hardware” accents help this project hit the sweet spot of furniture design trends.
VIDEO: How to Make a Wall Shelf with a Weathered Wood Finish
Learn how to create a weathered wood look on fresh wood using Varathane Weathered Wood Accelerator Finish.
Best Way to Fix a Corner Shelf?
What’s the best way to assemble a corner shelf made of cross-grain joints and batten construction?
Infinity Adds New Double-flute Keyhole Bit
A keyhole bit in your plunge router can create a sturdy and hidden attachment point for shelving and frames.
Labeling Chippers and Shims
If you cut many box joints or dadoes for cabinet shelving, you know how important it is to get a precise fit.
Laundry Dresser
Ron Filtz submitted this clever way to handle multiple laundry bins while still keeping a small “footprint”.