Cleaning a Damaged Wood Floor?
Is there a way to clean just the damaged areas on a hardwood floor and then refinish them without completely resanding the whole floor?
Howard Products: Making Wood Care Easy
Penetrating wood finish restorer launches a half century of DIY wood, metal and leather care products.
How to Restore a Desktop Surface?
The top of a wooden desk I’m restoring seems to be covered with linoleum, or something similar to it. What’s the best way to care for it?
How Should I Refinish My Entry Doors?
My 20-year-old entry doors need to be repainted and I’d like to do it myself. How should I go about the project?
Best Finish for a Bear Carving?
My redwood bear carving looks dry and needs a fresh coat of finish. Should I use urethane or something else to keep it from darkening?
Refinishing a Grill Table?
The spar varnish finish on my son’s grill table is failing after just a year outside. How should I prevent this from happening again?
Matching a Weathered Chair Finish?
I want to make a new table and stain it to match my weathered white oak chairs. How can I get the table’s finish to match them?
What’s the Best Finish for a Wet Sink Cabinet?
Urethane continues to fail on me. Maybe there is a better choice?
How Do I Fix a Sticky Table Finish?
My kitchen table suffers from a sticky finish. If it’s waxy buildup, how do I fix it?
How Should I Refinish an Ash Table Suffering from Sticky Varnish?
Should I strip the old waterbased varnish from my table, or could I apply new finish over the old instead?