What’s in a Word?
Readers answer Rob’s request and share some lesser-known woodworking terms.
BORA® Router Guide
Rout straight dadoes and rabbets with a handheld router using this accessory and a BORA WTX Clamp Edge.
VIDEO: Rabbet Planes
Ernie Conover shows you how to set up and use a rabbet plane, side rabbet plane and shoulder rabbet plane.
Rockler Center/Offset Marking Tool
Draw precisely centered or offset lines without measuring.
Sure Footing When Rabbeting Cabinet Backs
When I build cabinets, I find it easier to rout the rabbeted recess in the carcass for the back panel after the cabinet is assembled.
Why Did My Tabletop Boards Crack?
House siding boards seemed like a good idea for a tabletop, but they’ve since cracked. Why did that happen?
Rabbet and Dado Corner Joints
This joint is fast, easy to make, and takes a beating. It’s the perfect joint for many projects.
Cutting Rabbets with a Piloted Router Bit
Routing a rabbet is usually straightforward. Use a piloted rabbet bit, guiding it along a smooth, straight edge.
Solutions for Ragged Routed Rabbets?
I can’t figure out what’s happening whenever I do picture frames.