Burning Scrap Plywood
Can I burn scrap plywood in my fireplace, or is it toxic?
Sheet Goods for Exterior Columns
What type of sheet goods should I use to build square exterior front porch columns?
Straightening Warped Plywood
I cut plywood into 16-inch by 48-inch pieces and a few of the pieces warped significantly. Is there a way to get the pieces to straighten out?
What Router Bits Do You Use on MDF?
Does anyone make router bits sized to make dado grooves that fit standard MDF thicknesses?
Using Stub Tenons and a Panel for Cabinetry
I have read that stub tenons are not recommended for kitchen cabinet doors or heavy use doors – because of the short length of the tenon. Would gluing the panel add strength to this joint?
Problems with Dado Tearout in Plywood
I’m dealing with dado tearout in plywood. I’ve tried different depths and feed rates, but I’m still having problems.
Problems Cutting Clean Dovetails
I have seen beautifully clean cut dovetails for drawers and the like in contemporary furniture, so I know it can be done. I am experiencing a lot of tearout when I attempt it.