Best Topcoat for Ipe Swing?
We’ve stained our ipe outdoor swing already, and now it’s time for a protective topcoat. What’s the best choice for this wood?
PROJECT: Weathered Wood Shelf
A weathered wood look and industrial “hardware” accents help this project hit the sweet spot of furniture design trends.
VIDEO: How to Make a Wall Shelf with a Weathered Wood Finish
Learn how to create a weathered wood look on fresh wood using Varathane Weathered Wood Accelerator Finish.
When are Tack Cloths a No-No?
Tack cloths have been used by finishers for a very long time, but are there situations when a tack cloth isn’t advisable or even detrimental to finishing?
PROJECT: Classic Walnut Bookcase
A classic design, built with traditional wood and some tried-and-true joinery techniques, adds up to one beautiful heirloom furniture project.
Using Shellac Inside and Outside of a Project?
Shellac has a place on a dresser. Our expert examines whether that place is in the drawer interiors, or on the dresser top.
Frequently Asked Finishing Questions
Our expert takes on some of the questions that have arisen in response to previous finishing article topics.
Woodturning Small Hollow Form Vases
Move beyond basic spindle turning with small hollow forms. Small hollow-form spindles make a fun and accesible introduction into this style of turning.
VIDEO: Fast Woodturning Finish with GluBoost Fill n’ Finish
Rob Johnstone explores finishing woodturning projects with GluBoost Adhesive Products.
Inexpensive Polishing Wheels for Rotary Tools
This reader has found another use for those cheap little felt furniture pads: polishing wheels for his rotary tools.