PROJECT: Krenov-inspired Shop Cabinet
Knife hinges and an inset door are precise details that elevate your cabinet work to the next level of craftsmanship.
Mortiser Chisel Spacer
This user found a perfect spacer for his mortiser chisel, and unlike his typical solution, it was one that he could keep handy between applications.
Introduction to Chisels
Learn about the most useful types of chisels for most woodworkers, including bench chisels, mortise chisels, timber framing chisels, and carving chisels.
Video: Chisel Planes
Learn how to set up and use the Stanley #97 Chisel Plane. This is the plane to use when you need to work into a corner up to an inside edge.
DMT’s DuoSharp® Stones Celebrate “Sweet 16” Anniversary
Leading manufacturer of diamond sharpening products recalls early history of its polka-dot patterned stones.
Sharpening my Tools
I’ve never been particularly adept at sharpening my edge tools (chisels, plane irons, etc.). It’s not that I couldn’t get them sharp enough to work, it’s just that I’ve always experienced inconsistent results.