band saw
Infinity Mini Power Feeder
Bring hands-free convenience and safety to your router table, shaper, table saw or band saw with this variable-speed 1/8HP Mini Power Feeder.
Bandsawn Circles Won’t Close?
My 9-in. band saw can’t cut closed-circle shapes, even when I use a jig to control the cut. The blade always drifts off line. How can I fix this problem?
RIKON® 14-in. Smart Band Saw
RIKON’s 10-326 band saw can now be purchased with a Striatech smart motor and electronic touch-screen controller. It’s the industry’s first DVR band saw.
Making a Ball-and-Dowel Push Stick
This reader found that standard push sticks don’t work well for making thin cuts, so built his own easy-to-use tool with a dowel.
PROJECT: Wooden Hand Plane
Two days at Minnesota’s North House Folk School turned a blank of wood and steel into a first-rate hand plane.
Ripping a 50-degree Bevel Angle?
How do I cut a bevel angle greater than 45 degrees on my band saw to achieve the 100-degree angle I need for the roof on my church replica?
JET® 14-in. SFX Band Saw
Tubular steel-framed band saw features 13-in. resaw capacity, two-position rip fence, fully adjustable ball-bearing blade guides and a 1-3/4HP motor.
RIKON® Brings DVR to Band Saws
DVR motor and microcomputer controller retrofits six RIKON 14-in. band saw models for infinite variable speed to cut wood, metal and plastics.
PROJECT: Mini Tabletop Workbench
This strong and versatile Mini Tabletop Workbench provides a great mobile work surface that is sure to enhance your workshop experience.
GuidePRO Band Saw Guide
Cam-activated jig with a flexible, silicone “feather” delivers consistent pressure against workpieces during resawing, and it frees up both hands for feeding workpieces into the cut.