Table Saw Lock for Height and Angle
Longtime eZine reader, George Lathbury, suggested making a “pinch lock” for the saw’s loose height adjustment. Made from steel or hardwood, he described it as a split block with a hole the same size as the shaft, bored through. Attached to the frame, one of the pinch bolts acts as a fastener with a handle to loosen and tighten on the shaft. For the handle, he suggests figuring out the dimension and visiting www.reidtool.com.
Titebond vs. Weldwood Glue
Reading Rob’s declaration that hide glue was the only glue known to last over 300 years put a scare into Rich Flynn. He wondered if PVA and urethane glues were known to fail or hide glue was simply the only glue that had been around for 300 years.
Made in the USA?
Also reacting, though with some amusement, to one of Rob’s answers, John Rowe noted that most retail buyers couldn’t stock their company’s shelves with products made exclusively in the U.S. That’s because our manufacturers, even with a willing workforce, can’t compete with 5 cents per hour wage rates on the western shores of the Pacific Rim (specifically China). In his pessimistic estimation, jobs in the US will ultimately winnow down to a few data processing jobs and a lot of “will there be fries with your order today, sir?” type careers.
Finishing Bird’s-Eye
Noting that bird’s-eye maple is common in upper Michigan, Bill Nelson suggested looking closely at the bark of a hard maple (sugar maple). If you see “zillions” of tiny pin holes looking like they’d been made by a tiny bird, chances are it’s bird’s-eye maple.
What’s Up with Grizzly Prices?
Barry Saltsberg wrote to share some of the inconveniences he’d experienced with his Grizzly benchtop drill press (the smallest model). First off, the knobs on the pull-down handles hit the knob on the pulley compartment knob. Grizzly offered no solution, so he ground off part of the pulley knob. Then when he broke the collar on the column (while simply tightening it), Grizzly replaced the collar. Finally, when the vice he’d ordered for the drill press didn’t fit the holes on the table, Grizzly replaced it with the correct one.
Other Reader Comments
Dust Masks
For shop dust problems, Art and Nancy Coburn suggested checking out the Power Visor or other sophisticated face systems at www.airwareamerica.com and at www.envirosafetyproducts.com. He’s used the style for years – ordinary face masks leaked due to his beard — and even with severe allergies and sensitivities to woods and chemicals, the Power Visor allows him to perform nearly normal activities.