In the last issue, Rob evoked the feel of a summertime woodworking shop, in verse. – Editor
“Thank you for distilling and sharing some of ‘the best days’!” – Jayme Johnson
“With prose like that, you need help, and not with writing. I’m sure you know of what I speak. I hope you find a specialist soon. He’ll probably recommend fishing or some other outdoor activity, just to clear the air.” – R.L. Hoyle
“Aw, come on, Rob! Try my un-air conditioned shop in Gainesville, Florida. I can understand your lament. I used to live in the Midwest and the summers were just as bad. I loved October up there but not the snow. Keep up the good work. I enjoy your magazine and eZine.” – Ed
“Not in my shop! My basement is cooler than upstairs. aTemp here outside was 107 real feel yesterday.Had some workers over trimming trees. I am 76 and could not do what they did or do what you did. Thank god for A/C.” – Phil zoeller
We also heard a fellow reader’s suggestion to last issue’s questioner who needed to repair or replace the centerboard for his wooden sailboat. – Editor
“I’d like to offer some advice to Barney Heller on ‘repairing’ his centerboard. I think you are wasting your time with plywood. I would suggest you find a nice piece of oak or maple. A discarded dining room table leaf is a great source. Make the board out of a nice strong wood and give it few coats of marine varnish. Even if you hit some rocks, you’ll stand a better chance of minimizing damage.” – Ron Jelinek
And we heard from the thwarted sailor himself, who gave us an update on the boat’s condition. – Editor
“Thank you for the suggestions on the centerboard. I went with replace. It is amazing how expensive a 4/4 piece of mahogany can be when it is 20 inches wide. Yes, I know I could have glued up several strips and done it for at least one quarter of the price, but the piece was at a nearby shop, so I bit the bullet. The final product turned out pretty good. And, yes, it was pretty easy to do. Now 40-plus-year old ‘Chilly Willie’ has a new, one-piece centerboard! Great advice!” – Barney Heller