Drill Doctor
Several folks wrote to tell us about their experiences with Drill Doctor, but this letter was certainly the most entertaining. – Editor
“Was I skeptical? Yes. Then I bought one a couple of years ago. Fantastic, especially because I have an 85-year-old-won’t-wear-his-glasses friend who frequently runs his drill in reverse and thinks the answer to all drilling operations is to push harder, including while still in reverse. He does this with his bits as well as mine. Now I care a lot less about what he does. I run the bits through the Drill Doctor and they are as good as new, and in some cases, I believe they are actually better than new. Best of all, it’s almost idiot proof. Drill Doctor definitely saves bits and can even save a friendship!” – Bob Fiegel
We knew Drill Doctor could save bits, but it is even more rewarding to see it saving a friendship. – Editor
“Will the Drill Doctor do brad point bits? They are the only thing I use in my wood shop. I really enjoyed the article and I would like to get one but that’s what is holding me back.” – Skip Ruff
No, Skip, the Drill Doctor will not sharpen brad point bits. However, it will convert a twist drill bit into one with what they call Back Cut®, a fine center point that helps prevent the bit from wandering, in much the same way the point does on a brad point bit. – Editor
“I have had two of them and they are not as great as everyone claims. They are OK, but I wouldn’t rush out to buy one, now that I have gotten these two as gifts.” – Edward Norton
We weren’t quite sure if this was serious or a joke. After all, few of us are eager to buy things that we have already gotten as gifts. The comment below, on the other hand, nicely summed up what many folks seem to feel. – Editor
“How good is the Drill Doctor? It is so good that when I’m using a dull drill bit on a project, I’ll actually stop work and use it to sharpen the bit.” – Rich Flynn
Food-safe Typo?
As you can see, our typo corner has become a ‘regular’ feature. – Editor
“Behlen makes a finish intended for salad bowels.”
We suspect one gets “salad bowels” from eating too much lettuce. – Editor
Strange, but Complimentary
“You guys crack me up. The eZine is always a welcome sight in my inbox.” – Dan Holton
We must admit we are curious about just what tickled Dan’s fancy, but we’re pleased with the compliment anyway. – Editor
What’s a Wood Butcher?
In our last issue, we polled folks from woodworking’s teaching and writing community to figure out what the term “wood butcher” means. Now it is your turn. Here are some of your definitions. – Editor
“I’m a wood butcher when I screw up a good board or project. Otherwise, I’m a craftsman.” – Bob Korpi
“There’s a bunch of us woodworkers who met through an online forum and have been hanging out together ever since. We call ourselves the WCWB (West Coast Wood Butchers) and don’t take ourselves too seriously. Most of us are capable of good work, sometimes we actually produce it, but we all laugh at ourselves (and with each other) when we screw something up. I think it’s the latter that allows us to umbrella ourselves as wood butchers.” – Rob Stokes
“I must agree with W. Patrick Edwards. I would never refer to myself as a wood butcher, although I have managed to butcher a few projects in my time. To me, a wood butcher is not someone I would want in my shop. Edwards put it very kindly. For those who look at that name in appreciated terms, I have a new respect for them.” – Ken Erlenbusch
“As a resident of Minnesota, I’ve had occasion to tour many historical sites related to the logging industry. Some sites still have original buildings like bunkhouses, blacksmith shops and the wood butcher’s shop. The wood butcher was the camp carpenter, and he made everything that involved wood, including the buildings. He made wagons, horse hitches, benches, bowls, tables, sleds, whatever the camp needed. He was definitely an essential part of the camp, and it was NOT a derogatory term.” – Todd Nordquist
“Yes, I am a wood butcher, andI believe it is because I waste so much wood. That is because I sometimes make mistakes and have to do them over again. I do believe that I am the only one who is allowed to call me that, though. I am not a wood butcher in a derogatory way, but as a way of learning.” – Paul Christensen
“I am what I believe to be a wood butcher. I can build (rough) most any thing pert’ near square, but I am not a finish carpenter, so I call myself a wood butcher.” – Bob Hager
“As far back as anyone knows, the men in my family have made their living taking wood and working it in one way or another. My dad always referred to himself as a wood butcher. He was a very good carpenter; he took wood and sliced it up and put it back together into something new and more useable, a lot like a butcher taking an animal and making it into entrees. I think he would have paid more attention to the tone of voice rather than the words before he took offense.” – Jon Haney
“I consider myself a wood butcher. The term wood butcher is a compliment, just like meat butcher.” – Ford Wardlaw
Funny you should mention that. According to this reader, many of us use the term butcher incorrectly at the meat counter. – Editor
“In the far distant past, I remember being corrected when I called the guy behind the counter in the meat department a butcher. He was a meat cutter. The butcher was the one who slaughtered the animal.” – Marc Schreib