In the last issue, Joanna asked you to share your experiences with spring cleaning in the shop – and whether you’d found any long-lost treasures in doing so. Here’s what we heard. – Editor
“You asked if I found any ‘lost treasures’? Yes, after eight construction bags of stuff, I found the floor of my shop!” – Jim Morgan
“The shop is a tad untidy. I have a project to finish so I can build a lumber rack. I have designs to finish. There are two chunks of pine ready for me to finally build cribbage tables I promised years ago. Cleaning! Heck, I gotta get off my duff and get to work.” – Lee Ohmart
“An interesting question. I have been fortunate enough, the past few years, to be able to take woodworking classes at a nearby community college. Prior to beginning at the school, my skills were rudimentary, at best. Long ago (46 years), as a newlywed and new homeowner, I purchased two items from Sears (both of which I still have). I bought a radial arm saw and a set of steel legs with which to build a workbench (three 2 x 12’s did the job.) This worked for me for a long time. It was only when I began taking classes that I discovered how inadequate that arrangement was. (No vise, even.) So, now, I’m taking a class where, by the end of the term, I will be the proud owner/constructor of a worthy woodworking bench with a vise, dog holes, etc. With that end in sight, yesterday I dismantled the old bench so that tomorrow I can deliver it to its new home (that of my newlywed/new homeowners daughter and son-in-law).” – Ralph Lombardo