Holy CAD-cam Batman! Can this be true?
In the June issue of our print magazine (which oddly enough, through the time-bending magic of the publishing world is on newsstands starting today) we announced a contest that I think readers of the eZine will be interested in as well. After doing a little research, we discovered that a surprising number of our readers use Google SketchUp (a free downloadable CAD drawing program) to draw out their original projects. Once we were done being surprised, we of course decided, “Hey, lets have a contest!” (This knee-jerk “contest response” is another odd thing that happens in the publishing world that is hard to explain to normal folks.)
The contest has you sending us your original SketchUp designs. The winning entry will be built in our shop, featured in our magazine and sent to the designer! Pretty cool, right? I, for one, cannot wait to see the entries, and I really hope that some of them come from you, my faithful eZine readers.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal