Comments on both The Woodworking Show and our coverage of it keep on coming. – Editor
“As a long-time woodworker, I was pleased to read Michael Dresdner’s article ‘The Woodworking Shows: The Phoenix Up From the Ashes.’ Last year, the show in general seemed to lack excitement, in my opinion, due in part to the cramped space. Everyone wants to see the latest tool in action, but standing five deep trying to see a floor level demonstration leaves a lot to be desired. Plus, with no room for people to pass by, it just becomes a traffic jam. As the show grows, it would be nice to have a larger venue. Hopefully the new management will have addressed some of these problems and ‘the whole look of the show will change’ will be immediately obvious. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the business end of The Woodworking Shows and generating new interest for me to attend the Columbus show again in 2008.” – Dennis Wert
“I just had a chance to read the article about The Woodworking Shows. I was unaware that the show was in danger of closing, and I am very happy to know that the show will be continuing. Woodworking shows have been my main source of machinery, tools and woodworking gadgets. Seeing tools and jigs demonstrated on the show floor and then being able to ask your questions directly is the best way that I have found to know what will work for me and what will not. I love going to woodworking shows. My home area has no woodworking stores for over 150 miles. Snow or ice, we make the drive to that show! I am greatly looking forward to it in February. I am so glad that it has been bought out by new promoters who understand the needs of the show and its attendees. – Robert Ambrose
“My friends and I attended two shows in our area. We enjoyed both, but one had more dealers in attendance and was more crowded. I was really impressed with the selection of router bits from different vendors, and the Kreg Router table was really impressive.” – David W. Ringlaben
“I was meaning to write in about the Woodworks show in Springfield, Massachusetts, this past weekend. I was a bit surprised to not see more manufacturers, though there were plenty of displays and demos as well as classes to be had. Porter-Cable, Delta and DeWalt were there to show some new models and, of course, sell tools. This was my second year going to the show. Last year, I purchased a couple of new products. This year, I was looking to see what was new and I found it. I recommend that every woodworker, young or old, go to a show. Thanks for all the great reviews and tips.” – Joe Clattenburg
The Meter is Running
“When faced with plans using metric measurements, I don’t bother to convert to imperial. For me, it’s easier to just use a metric tape or rule and build it per the plan. I still use my imperial dimensioned tools, dowels, hardware, etc., though. Changing a mortise width to match my tools is easy and no conversion math is needed.” – Art Gass
Just in Time
“This edition was literally an answer to prayer, not to mention a few hours of consternation. I am thick in the throes of making the Murphy bed that was highlighted in one of the very early editions of Today’s Woodworker. I spent many hours trying to figure out those plans. These new ones are hugely appreciated!” – Lee Mills
Irish Ayes
“I just want to thank you for a great eZine. I am across the big water in Ireland, and as a hobby woodworker, I find it to be a big help. Lots of handy tips and interesting reading. Keep up the good work. Thanks.” – Peter F. Gurrie
Green Piece
We mentioned in passing that oxalic acid occurs naturally in rhubarb, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, spinach and parsley, and got this response. – Editor
“Now I know why I hate broccoli!” – Rich Flynn
An Ill Wind
“The second page of the Tabletop Downdraft Jig plan says ‘The jig is essentially an air box. Its thin profile keeps the volume of air to a minimum. This increases the airflow rate, which improves efficiency.’ This is an incorrect statement. The smaller volume only decreases the time required for air to start flowing through the holes in the top. It does not increase the airflow rate or improve efficiency. Dust capture velocity should be about 400 feet per minute (fpm) or higher. To increase the airflow velocity, reduce the size of the holes in the top working surface. The only way to increase the airflow rate is with a larger vacuum source that moves more cubic feet per minute (cfm). A possibility would be to close off most of the holes in the center and just leave two or three rows of holes on all four sides. This would increase the capture velocity.” – Jerry Sartor
End of an Era?
After posting the web site for Newman’s Knees, a company that made ship’s knees, we received this sad news. – Editor
“The last I heard, Newman’s Knees is no longer in business due to the death of Newman. Since the business is extremely knowledge- and skill-based, the loss of Newman probably spells the end of his business. In addition, I do not think Newman had any competitors. I think Newman was the last of a dying breed. Since laminated epoxy knees are a much cheaper alternative, no young ‘knee’ searchers have taken up the post since there is not much business to be had. Just thought you should know.” – Russell B. Lusthaus
Thanks for the update, though we certainly did not wish to hear news like that. When we went to press for the last issue, the web site was still active, though when we checked after receiving your letter, it appears to have been taken down. – Editor
Cold Comfort
“Someone said you can’t use yellow glue that froze, but I’ve had Elmer’s yellow glue frozen for a whole winter, and when I stirred it up and tested it by a couple of joints of scrap, it held up great.” – Phillip Keller
We’re glad you lucked out that time, but freezing often destroys waterbased glue, and many manufacturers will not guarantee their waterbased adhesives if they are frozen. – Editor
Southern Comfort
“Congratulations on using ‘lagniappe.’ Not many people outside of Louisiana know what it means, and few know how to use it.” – Roland Dommert
As editors, words are our stock in trade, and we pick up new ones wherever we go. It was a very long time ago, but we probably picked that one up in New Orleans hanging out at Café du Monde. – Editor