As you read this, I have not one, but two beds that I need to build: one for my guest bedroom and one for my own. This has caused me to look at untold numbers of bed photos, which, rather than answering my design questions, has actually raised questions by the score. Questions like: what’s the deal with piling up 30 pillows on a bed? Are they supposed to take the place of the mattress? Are the pillows supposed to hide something from view or simply provide an unlimited volume of ammunition for mega-pillow fights? Frankly, I’m baffled. And why would I want my dust to ruffle – ever?
To be fair, I’m concerned that my Y-chromosome is preventing me from enlightenment in these rarified realms – but really, won’t all that fabric hanging from a four-poster obscure the football game? (Perhaps there is a danger from malaria-infested mosquitoes where they live …)
But I will not let these challenges deter me from the tasks at hand. This weekend, I intend to have one of the beds done, because next week a guest is showing up, and I am just guessing they may want to sleep in a bed.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal